7/07/2017 12:45
So let me present to you the new hot Jupiter system WASP-80b, officially catalogued as GJ 3027b. This planet is larger than Mercury, and similar in size to Neptune. A new study of data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope has shown that Jupiter-size planets can be common at any time in the life of a star, about half as many as previously thought. a wall of noobs with kid hats and hair gel? what a waste of potential and rock. Maybe it will last a few seconds, but then it wont. Watch it for yourself, I doubt you'll see more of a difference than I did. Please try it next time you are bored out of your mind in a public building.
7/08/2017 07:49
So let me present to you the new hot Jupiter system WASP-80b, officially catalogued as GJ 30
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